We are getting married!

Welcome to our wedding website. We can’t wait to celebrate our special day with you. We’ve created this site as a convenient and interactive way to share all the important details about our wedding. You can learn more about our story, check out our registry information, and don’t forget to RSVP. Thank you for your ongoing love and support and look forward to celebrating together!

August 29, 2024


Our Story

Sadie and Tanner’s story began in 2021 during the pandemic at a church event where they volunteered to clean up garbage along a highway. Sadie had admired Tanner from afar since high school, while Tanner noticed her at the YSA ward. Their first date followed a message on Instagram about a hike Tanner posted. Their first date was over dinner at Earls in Calgary, followed by gelato and a movie. Throughout the evening, they couldn’t stop talking and quickly discovered a deep connection.

Their relationship progressed swiftly, and within a week, they officially became a couple during sunset at the Cochrane Ranch.

Two years later, Tanner proposed in a nostalgic recreation of their first date in the same spot, with Sadie’s grandmother’s ring and a bouquet of flowers.

Despite living apart—Sadie in Calgary and Tanner in Idaho—for three years, they managed to see each other in person between semesters and maintained their connection through visits, flights, and countless FaceTime calls. Early on they knew their connection was something extraordinary, even with the distance between. After graduating from university this summer, they are excited to finally start this new chapter of their lives together.

Wedding Details

August 29, 2024
Waiparous Village
273039 Beaupre Creek Rd, Rocky View

Main Ceremony

4:30pm – 5:30pm

Please arrive at 4pm. Ceremony begins at 4:30 – 5:30.
In between there will be appetizers and drinks.

Wedding Dinner & Party

6:30pm – Late

Dinner will begin between 6 and 6:30pm.
Program and dance to follow.



Waiparous Village 273039 Beaupre Creek Rd, Rocky View, AB T4C 1B6

Roots and Roses is located just outside Cochrane. If you’re traveling from NW Calgary, please allow approximately one hour to reach the venue. Our parking capacity is limited to 30 vehicles, so we encourage carpooling. Please coordinate with Kathy or Patti if you’d like to organize group travel. Note that the venue address is compatible with Google Maps only. Thank you for your understanding.

Please arrive by 4 PM as the ceremony will begin at 4:30 PM.

Note to guests:

For attire, our theme is “Garden Party” with bright colours and pastels. Feel free to wear your most vibrant and colourful formal attire to complement our wedding theme of white and green—we want you to stand out amongst the greenery. We kindly ask that you avoid wearing white, green, and brown, as our bridal party and immediate family will be dressed in those colours. Please be mindful of the weather and grassy terrain at the venue.

We request no children except for immediate family, as we have limited capacity. The venue is set on grass in a forest setting, with everything conveniently located in one spot—no further travel is required once you arrive.

Gift Registry

If you’d like to give us a gift, please feel free to choose something from the link to Amazon below.

Your presence at our wedding means the world to us—it’s the greatest gift we could ask for. If you’d like to honour us with a gift, contributions toward our future endeavours would be deeply appreciated. Since we will be preparing for Tanner’s dental school journey by living at home for our first year, please consider our limited storage space when picking a gift. Cash gifts would really help us as we begin this exciting new chapter together. We are grateful for your generosity and support.


Please let us know if you are able to attend. We can’t wait to see you at our wedding!

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